Whiskynet graphic materials

This is how we designed the posters of one of the largest online liquor store's in Hungary

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graphic design

logo design



Our task

We’ve been working on Whiskeynet’s graphic tasks since January 2023.
During our collaboration, we’ve created several key visuals, poster designs, and store and event appearances.
We also had the opportunity to work on the creative design of beverage brands such as Bobby's Gin, Citadella Gin, Diplomatico Rum, Gina Mare, Nikka Whisky, San Cosme, and Kraken.

In addition to offline and online designs, we also created creative materials for Good Spirit Bar.


Designing logos

Our partner entrusted us with two logo design projects as well: this is how our design team was able to come up with the logo of Ginnet, which was launched in 2023 as Whiskynet's co-brand, as well as the new logo of Whiskynet Distribution.

Do you wanna work with us?
Contact us today!